Page 428 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 428

hold.  Since  the  cancer  and  having  all  the  lymph  drain
            glands out though they said I’ve got to be super careful
            no bugs take hold cos my body will struggle to get rid of
            them. Oh the endless glamour and joy of it aaaall!

           27 January 2016 —
           I can’t get used to this short curly hair styling. I look like a
            cross between Jo Brand and Einstein!

           31 January 2016 —
           Scared! But doing it!

           2 February 2016 —
           Scared! Send encouragement to me guys! I’m trying to be
            courageous  and  follow  my  dreams  but  it’s  very  nerve
            wracking. I’ve decided to "Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway"
            but it’s daunting. Gulp! Spur me on!

           3 February 2016 —
           Dissociative Identity Disorder must be so difficult to live
            with - especially to maintain any kind of relationships /
            friendships. I would theorize it’s a defence mechanism to
            cope with Abuse - maybe/especially S.R.A The mind is
            an amazing thing

           3 February 2016 —
           Who knows about Internet n all that malarkey?
           I’ve  got  Plus-Net  quoting  me  £36+  a  month  for  80M
            Fibre  Optic  Extra  Unlimited  broadband  n  phone  line
            rental or SKY I think about 38M for £17 line rental and
            free broadband. Don’t know WTF I’m doing here. All I
            know is I want the fastest, most efficient service possible
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