Page 423 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 423

you’ll have raided the storage box for that bottle of Pink
            Lambrini and out of date Quality Street you won at the
            School  Christmas  Fair  and  you’ll  smoke  that  lone
            cigarette you found in that stray packet in the junk drawer
            cos  there’s  no  point  wasting  it  and  there’s  no  point
            keeping a packet just for one fag. You’re streamlining and
            de-cluttering after all!
           You will finally join that Zumbarobics-Danceboxing Class
            and  buy  all  the  flash,  designer  gear  to  wear.  If  you’re
            going  to  put  all  that work  in  you  deserve  to  look  your
            best doing it! 2 weeks in you’ll convince yourself it wasn’t
            really a waste of money that you only did 2 sessions - cos
            if you look at it as 2 nights out you’d have spent £100
            anyway right? Well, you know with taxis and a babysitter
            n  everything.....  And  you  can  always  wear  those  yoga
            pants round the house with a nice top.
           God  my  Psychic  powers  are  on  FIRE  today!  How  am  I
            doing THIS?!!
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