Page 418 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 418

livid, red rash so sore its throbbing n I can’t even bare to
            have  clothes on  my skin and  it’s so bad  on  my  legs its
            painful to walk. I’m sick of looking horrible as well. As if
            losing  my  hair  and  my  boob  and  gaining  weight  wasn’t
            enough this rash looks so gross. It’s all just making me
            feel  horrid!  Aaargh!  Sorry  to  rant.  I’m  sure  there  are
            people way worse off than me.

           17 December 2015 —
           FANTASY vs REALTY;
           I  picture  myself  having  lovely  days  making  handmade
            Christmas Cards & Gift Wrap and cosy evening wrapping
            the  gifts  beautifully  in  bespoke  paper  -  All  the  paper,
            ribbons & embellishments laid out neatly to work from -
            curling ribbons and adding doilies and sprigs of Winter
            foliage  to  the  parcels,  popping  glitter  and  confetti  and
            fairy  tale  surprises  into  the  children’s  packages  and
            making  a  card  especially  to  the  style  of  each  recipient
            while I sip wine and listen to Christmas music. A cosy,
            thoughtful session of Christmas creativity. . . .
  reality the air is blue with curse words & my feet are
            blue with bruises cos I’m so over run with bags n boxes
            that I’m constantly tripping over and stubbing my toes.
            You can’t really hear the Xmas songs for my screaming n
            swearing every time I burn my fingers with the glue gun
            or get a bit of sellotape stuck to me lip!
           I’ve got glitter in my hair, paint on my face, and pen on my
            fingers n bits of tape stuck to my arse!
           Every time a tie up a parcel or stick down an envelope I
            have  an  attack  of  paranoia  that  I’ve  got  peoples  name
            wrong  or  assigned  the  wrong  husband  to  the  wrong
            friend or the wrong kid to the wrong Mom....
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