Page 417 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 417
I would rather have burning hot flushes and be drenched
& dripping with sweat every 10 mins all day and night
OR be smothered head to toe in a livid, red rash and
itching like a mad woman. Oh the choices! The endless
glamour of it all!
15 December 2015 all my Neighbours & Friends who are SO kind and
helpful to me! I struggle so much with even basic things -
getting to appointments, popping to the shop, putting the
bin out, getting down the stairs to the door before the
post man legs it!....and I find myself surrounded by
people (friends but also even neighbours I don’t know
that well) who take it upon themselves to help me
without even being asked. Taking in parcels and bringing
them round to me, putting my bin out & bringing it back
in (I don’t always even know who’s done that! lol)
offering to fetch groceries and medicine, all sorts. I’m
rubbish at "socialising" and struggle to get out n interact
with people sometimes but no act of kindness goes
un-noticed! I’m really grateful and appreciate every
person who helps me and everything they do. THANK
17 December 2015
This week has been an absolute torturous nightmare of
struggling through pain every day. God it gets wearing.
Please help me keep going God. I get exhausted and
worn down. Since this HRT my migraines and sickness
have come back, I can only manage to be up for about 6
hours a day and worst of all I’ve had an allergic reaction
to it and my skin over my whole body is smothered in a