Page 422 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 422
doodle freely rather than working on commissioned
pieces. I did this in bed on my little portable drawing
31 December 2015
YOU for JANUARY 2016!
I predict at the start of 2016 you will subscribe to a
magazine where the 1st issue is 99p with a free binder but
subsequent issues are 6.99 and after realizing you will
need to spend £56,542.99 to complete the collection and
finish crocheting a WWII battleship in organic noodles
you will cancel your subscription.
You will binge buy cleaning products and storage boxes
from Costco/Tesco/Wilko & Co and start clearing that
junk draw out. This year you are going to be organized
and streamline your life! You will then end up spending 3
hours on the kitchen floor staring at old photographs and
reminiscing before shoving it all back into the drawer and
using the storage boxes for all the novelty socks and fruit
fragranced bubble bath you got for Christmas.
You will chuck your fags/chocolate/alcohol in the garbage
and buy a fridge full of organic fruit and veg - some of
which you don’t even know how to use...a week later you
will have a refrigerator full off vegetables growing new
vegetables and various types of fungus. You’ll use those
Argos vouchers to buy a juicer and attempt to salvage as
many fruits n veggies before they go out of date by
blending them into "delicious" smoothies. No they really
do taste quite nice if you use a straw and don’t look at it
and try not to breathe through your nose cos it smells
worse - than it looks worse - than it tastes. *Eventually