Page 420 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 420
vacuuming and mopping and getting those cobwebs I
haven’t been able to reach all year! And for being such a
good friend that I can just about feel OK with letting you
help me - which is MAJOR for me! As per Sandra
Bullock in the movie 28 Days where the Psychologist
puts a sign round her neck saying "Approach ME if I
don’t ask for help" Love you.
21 December 2015
Christmas Wish: I wish I could be strong enough and well
enough to help other people as much as they help me.
22 December 2015
I feel like I need several volts of energy blasted into my
body via those crash paddles they use in A&E. Since
these new meds I’m dragging myself out of bed in the
morning (actually lunchtime or afternoon) feeling like I’m
death re-heated. So weak I'm having to grab my legs with
my hands and lift them out of the bed like a dead weight
and sit on my bath seat to shower cos I haven’t got the
strength needed to stand up. All I want for Christmas is a
loooooooooooong sleep and a total absence of any jobs
or responsibilities. On the bright side this horrendous
allergic rash is spreading like wildfire so at least that’s
distracting me from how incapacitated I feel. "Every
28 December 2015
Can’t believe the amount of crap the TESCO delivery
bloke has just traipsed into my carpet! For F...sake
TESCOs! "Every little helps”!!