Page 427 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 427

jewellery  of  it.  A  matching
            field china set of pendant and
            brooch.  Minimalist,  Wabi
            Saabi  style.  I  might  create
            some  with  sea  glass  as  well.
            One of the things I love is the
            "provenance"  (I  suppose  you
            call it) of objects like this - the sort attached to them of
            where  and  how  they  were  discovered,  where  they  must
            have  come  from,  what  events  have  happened  around
            them, who has touched it or owned it, what events the
            various cracks and marks and scars result from. I often
            try to incorporate "found objects" (or as they say in the
            art world Objects D,Trouves) in my art because I think it
            adds a priceless element of authenticity and value.

           16 January 2016 —
           I  also  kept  the  beautiful,  tiny  gold  watch  parts.  Watch
            hands, cogs, even the Rolex crown from the watch face
            and decided to utilize them inside a ting glass vial fitted
            with a bale to be worn as a pendant. Capturing them in
            clear  glass  seemed  the  best  way  to  showcase  such
            miniscule "gems".

           18 January 2016 —
           My throat feels like I’ve swallowed a cheese grater and my
            nose  feels  like  throbbing,  super-sneeze  edition  Nerf
            Gun but at least I LOOK shite.
           Ah  crap!  I  haven’t  had  a  cold  for  about  15  years!!  The
            Doctors  said  that  seems  common  with  Fibromyalgia
            patients cos their immunity is already fighting way harder
            than what would be needed for a cold so they don’t take
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