Page 5 - Under the Cover of Darkness
P. 5

Ona Haynes — Introduction

            The best way to express the real me is through a few of
              my early ramblings in this introduction. Then everyone
              can  decide  if  I  am  sane,  need  help  or  I  am  just  an
              eccentric  artist  with  a  lot  of  health  issues,  who  I
              perceive I am.

            My blogs started in 2008 just as I was losing my job in
              Social Work because of a nervous breakdown, it starts
              with the 1st painting I ever sold (of the Neville Arms)
              n then it’s just none stop.

            Looks like that nervous breakdown, forced redundancy,
              brink  of  bankruptcy  and  total  implosion  of  my  life
              was the best thing that ever happened to me! "Of all
              the things I've ever lost, I miss my mind the least."

            My story is a frank and sometimes upsetting blog of my
              daily  life  coping  with  Bi-Polar  and  mental  issues.  It
              includes my fight with breast
              cancer,  my  mastectomy,
              reconstruction and recovery.

            The  first  few  blogs  will  set
              the scene for you to decide
              how  my  mind  works  or
              maybe not.

               The title of my favourite
                   Goth-Girl painting:
              “It’s No Good to Me Now”
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