Page 18 - The Revolution of Imam Hussein
P. 18
The Revolution of Imam Hussein
By this stance (Sayyedu’l Shuhada) the leader of the
martyrs of Prophet Muhammad’s nation drew the right
path and system of glory and dignity.
Imam Hussein’s blood as well as the blood of his family
and companions which had been offered on the altar of
sacrifice on the day of Karbala were recorded on the pages
of history that Imam Hussein (as) was the establisher of
glory and honor and the pioneer for the culture of enjoining
good and forbidding evil.
Dr. Ahmad Hammoud wanted to attain the honor of
belonging and being loyal to the school of thought of Imam
Hussein (as) through his addition a scientific drop in the
ocean of knowledge which its shores extended throughout
the history of Islam and humanity which he had shown
through the lines of his magnificent book.
May Allah reward him and resurrect us with the company
of the martyrs and the righteous of Ahl-ul-Bait (as).
Former Mufti of Australia
Sheikh Taj al-Deen al-Hilali
Servant of Ahl-ul-Bait