Page 23 - The Revolution of Imam Hussein
P. 23
The Revolution of Imam Hussein
the Ithna ‘Ashariyya Shi‘a as one of the most learned
theologian and traditionists stated that the proofs (Hujaj)
of Allah for the people are the Twelve Imams in the
following order.
1-The first of them being the prince of the believers ‘Ali
b. Abi Talib (23B.H/598- 40A.H/661)
2- Al-Hasan (3A.H/625- 50A.H/670)
3- Al-Hussein (4A.H/626- 61A.H/680)
4- ‘Ali b. al-Hussein (38A.H/659- 95A.H/712)
5- Muhammad b.‘Ali (57A.H/676- 114A.H/743)
6- Ja‘far b. Muhammad (83A.H/702- 148A.H/765)
7- Musa b. Ja‘far (128A.H/745- 183A.H/799)
8- ‘Ali b. Musa al-Rida (148A.H/765 -203A.H/818)
9- Muhammad b.‘Ali (195A.H/811 -220A.H/835)
10- ‘Ali b. Muhammad (212A.H/827 -830- 254A.H/868)
11- Al-Hasan b.‘Ali (232A.H/846- 260A.H/874)
12- Muhammad b. al-Hasan (255A.H/869)
The Twelfth Imam is referred to by the Ithna ‘Ashariyya
Shi‘a as the proof (al-Hujja), who they believe upholds
the command of Allah (al- Qa’im bi-amri’l-lah), and is the
master of the Time (sahibu al-zaman), and the vicegerent
of the beneficent One today ( Khalifatul al-Rahman). It is
believed that once the Twelfth Imam is revealed he will
fill the earth with justice and equity, just as now it is full
of oppression and tyranny. It is through the Twelfth Imam
that Allah will make His faith manifest (8). It is believed