Page 24 - The Revolution of Imam Hussein
P. 24
The Revolution of Imam Hussein
that Allah will grant him victory over the whole world and
when this occurs, the call to prayer will emanate from
every part of the earth, and all the religion will belong
entirely to Allah, Exalted He above all. It is he, who is the
rightly guided (al-Mahdi), about whom the Prophet (P)
gave information when he appears. Jesus (p) son of Mary
will descend upon the earth and pray behind him, and
he who prays behind him is like one who prays behind
the Prophet of Allah Muhammad (p), because he is his
vicegerent (khalifa).
They the Twelve Imams (Ulu-al-amr) are in authority. It
is to them that Allah has ordained obedience. They are
the witnesses for the people and they are the gates of
Allah (abwab), and the road (sabil) to Him and the guides
(adilla) thereto, and the repositories of His knowledge
and the interpreters of His revelation and the pillars of
His unity (tawhid). They are immune from sins (khata’)
and errors (zalal); they are those from whom Allah has
removed all impurity and made them absolutely pure.
“Verily Allah intends to keep away the uncleanness
from you Ahla’l Beit (O people of the House!) and to
purify you (with) a (thorough) purifying (9). They are
possessed of (the power of) miracles (mu‘jizat), and of
(irrefutable) arguments (dala’il), and they are for the
protection of the people of this earth just as the stars
for the inhabitants of the heavens. They likened to this