Page 24 - Have You Counted the Cost?
P. 24

alleviate the painful consequences that are a

              result of that kind of a lifestyle — and if the

              truth be known, often our so-called “help” is

              a smokescreen for a co-dependent relationship

              because of our own unfulfilled needs.

              Loving people God’s way

              Ephesians 5:11 says, “And have no fellowship

              with  the  unfruitful  works  of  darkness,  but

              rather reprove them” — and that includes

              family.  Loving people God’s way does not

              require that we stay on good terms with or

              socialize  with  those  who  knowingly  and

              persistently live in sin and disobedience to

              God, nor does it require that we hold back

              reproof from a person, whether that person

              be  saved  or  unsaved.    God’s  kind  of  love

              confronts  and  warns  about  the  painful

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