Page 5 - Loeb Pitch Book Oct
P. 5

COMMAND your leadership presence with Optimism

            A Growth Mindset versus a Fixed Mindset
                ●  People with a fixed mindset see their abilities and talents as unchangeable.
                ●  Because of this fixed mindset, they tend to do things as they have always done them and look back
                    frequently with regret and confusion as to why they repeated that same dysfunctional behavior.
                ●  Thinking positively and having a growth mindset can inspire and motivate you if you believe in your
                    potential and see your mistakes as opportunities for learning.

                ●  There is brain growth in the prefrontal cortex through the reinforcement and generation of new synapses.

            Creating a Daily Gratitude List daily fosters a growth mindset and optimism
                ●  Focusing on gratitude daily helps create optimism.
                ●  Note three things you are grateful for daily.
                ●  Note what others do for you that you are grateful for.  Let them know.

                                                  GRATITUDE LIST




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