P. 10
June 2019
Hannah Maisarah
Personal Reflection
Regardless of being male or with intellectual
female, with or without disabilities face certain
intellectual disabilities, adaptation problems in
sexuality is an instinct that this process. Their
is frequently unavoidable. sexual urges, desires Knowledge and
Individuals have govern and fantasies are awareness are essential
their sexuality to control similar, however their to prevent children
reproduction and to enrich way of discovering and from becoming victims
their lives. It is a expressing feelings of sexual predators –
fundamental and about sexuality is less Dr Wan Azizah Wan
inseparable characteristics acceptable Ismail
of a human being.
Intellectual disability is a
Children go through a term that includes the
normal and natural process deficiency of social and
of sexual development for personal competence
which it is closely associated necessary for behaviors
with a basic human needs. known as cognitive skills and
For instance the needs of adaptation function. In this
being loved and accepted, situation, when the society is
feeling love for others and lack of knowledge and
showing his or her love, understanding of these
feeling desired and group of people, it is
attracted and also sharing important to educate the
his or her emotions and children with intellectual
thoughts. On the other disabilities on sexual
hand, individuals education in order to adapt
with the actual world