P. 8
Sexual Education for Children The questions of children with intellectual
disabilities about sexuality should be taken
with Intellectual Disability seriously like those of every
child, without criticizing them or using
There is no appropriate sexual education words such as “shame”, or “forbidden.”
model for all children with intellectual Critical approaches impede the education
disabilities. Individualized education of all children. The questions asked by
should be provided that is appropriate to the these children can be incompatible with
child’s comprehension level. For example; a their chronological ages. For example;
child with moderate intellectual disability can an adolescent female with moderate
require more basic knowledge in comparison intellectual disability can use sentences
to a child with mild intellectual disability. This such as “My breasts grew,” “I am
knowledge can include differences between going to pee,” etc., in public. In such cases,
male and female, types of good and bad people should be patient and tell the child
touch, how to behave in different social that what she has said is inappropriate to
settings. When giving sexual education, it is the environment and time, and tell her
essential to determine the child’s again how to
development level and impart information in behave in public. Instead of becoming
accordance with it. The sexual development depressed, panicked or angry, or punishing
of children with special needs follows the
same physical stages as with other children; or shouting at the child, in such cases it is
crucial to know how to approach the child
however, in terms of mental development it
lags behind and follows the stages more and provide her with education, considering
slowly. These children have these behaviors as an experience. Problems
difficulty comprehending themselves and cannot be resolved with such attitudes; on
others with regard to sexuality. They can be the contrary, they are intensified. The child
angry because they do not know what to do cannot understand why you yelled at
when they become sexually aroused. It should him/her. His/her inappropriate behavior
be taken into consideration that these should be prevented by distracting
children, whose behaviors him/her, and it should be explained, in a
change in adolescence and who become manner appropriate to his/her cognitive
angry and annoyed, can be aroused sexually. level, that his/her behavior is wrong and
These children have difficulty in following how he/she should display appropriate
social cues and can ask questions which are behavior. It should not be forgotten that
inappropriate to the environment. They can sexual education can avoid and reduce
be unaware of the fact that they should these problems and help in finding
control their sexual urges, resulting solutions. For those with mild intellectual
sometimes in public masturbation. Therefore, disability, as with children in general, it is
it can be thought that they have greater possible to control behaviors with sexual
sexual interests and show more sexual education. The sexual development and
behaviors in comparison to their peers. These sexual urges of individuals with moderate
children need to be taught where, when, and intellectual disability can be controlled with
in which situations, sexual behavior is support and education. Individuals with
appropriate. Because of their learning severe intellectual disability have difficulty
disability, it is crucial to repeat sexual comprehending social rules and showing
education at regular intervals and appropriate behaviors. They are unable to
to reinforce with examples in accordance with control their sexual urges.
their developmental levels.
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