P. 11

These  children  should  be          This  supported  with  the  current

   educate  on  how  to  behave         issue that is being highlighted by

   in  certain  social  settings,       the  Deputy  Prime  Minister  who
   how  to  control  their  sexual      emphasizes on the importance of
   needs and desires as well as         sex  education  among  children.
   the types of touch he or she         On  the  social  media,  of  course
   should  give  and  be  given.        she  receives  too  much  critique
   Intellectual  impairment  is         and  comments  regarding  her
   varies     in      levels     by
   individuals.                         idea as mentioned in the former
                                        sentence,  sex  education  among
                                        children  is  not  an  acceptable
   Therefore,  I  believe  parents
   play  the  most  role  and  act      culture  in  our  society.  Sex  talk
   as  the  best  guide  for  all       can  never  go  public  as  it  is
   children,  either  those  with       considered  shamefull,  private
   intellectual  disability  or  not.   and dirty - for now!
   The       most        accurate
   information      about      sex,       On the positive note,
   which is an issue when there
   are   conflicting    messages        I believe everything takes time to
   from     different     sources,      adapt  and  processed.  People
   should  be  first  provided  by      needs     time    to    adapt     with
   parents. There is no suitable        changes  and  to  embrace  new
   model  of  sex  education  for       ideas  and  philosophies  that  was
   all  children  with  intellectual    once  against  our  forefathers
   disabilities  and  information       teachings. I believe its important
   should  be  appropriate  to          to adopt a multidisciplinary team
   the     child’s     level     of     such  as  doctors,  psychologist
   understanding.                       and  social  services  specialist
                                        approach  towards  the  sexual
   I  can  never  relate  myself  as    health     of    the    intellectually
   sex    education      can     be     disabled.  The  most  accurate
   considered  taboo  in  our           information  sharing  about  sex                  Join our Body
   society.      Our       culture      depends             on          good             Safety and Sex
   eliminates       any       talks     communication between families,
   regarding     sex    especially      schools  and  individuals,  and  by           Education Program
   among  children  believing           receiving  professional  support
   they  are  still  young  and         when     needed.      When      every                    with
   pure.  However,  in  today's         institutions     collaborate      and             Youth Digest
   world  children  faces  too          contributes  their  opinions  and
   much  danger  and  in  order         ideas,  it  enhances  the  quality  of
   to protect them is to occupy         services,  products  and  also  a
   them        with       relevant      better quality of children that will
   knowledge  and  skills  for          become  our  leaders  in  the  near           visit
   which        includes        the     future.
   knowledge on sex.

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