P. 6

Depending on their mental development                     Individuals with intellectual disabilities
     levels, the sexual development of children                 have the same sexual needs and desires

     and young individuals with intellectual                    as healthy individuals.
     disabilities follows the same stages as                    For these individuals, marriage and
     children with normal development more                      having children can represent
     slowly and depending on their mental                       the sexual life of normal adults to which

     development. Therefore, individuals with                   they aspire. The aim of this compilation is
     intellectual disabilities face certain                     to emphasize the importance of sexual
     adaptation problems in this process. Their                 education for children with intellectual
     sexual urges, desires and fantasies are                    disabilities and the role of nurses in
     similar; however, their way of discovering                 sexual education.

     and expressing feelings about sexuality is
     less acceptable for individuals with                       Individuals with Intellectual
      intellectual disabilities because of their                Disabilities and Issues of Sexuality
     dependence on others, restricted living                    Intellectual disability is a term that includes

     conditions and limited social opportunities.               the deficiency of social and personal
      The fact that individuals with intellectual               competence necessary for behaviors
     disabilities also have sexual rights is usually            known as cognitive skills and adaptation
     forgotten, and their needs for sexual                      function. There are
     knowledge, emotions and thoughts are                       varying levels of intellectual disability.

     neglected. When it comes to sexual                         According to DSMIV-TR, the degree of
     education, the names and functions                         intellectual disability is divided into
     of body parts and the mechanics of
     reproduction come to mind. Sexual                          mild, moderate, severe and profound.

     education should, however, be more                         Approximately 85% of individuals with
     comprehensive and meaningful. Sexual                       intellectual disabilities have mild intellectual
     education includes an individual’s                         disability (IQ level 50 to 70), 10% of them
     understanding of physical, emotional and                   have moderate (IQ level 35 to 50), 4% have
     sexual development, the development of a                   severe (IQ level 20 to 35), and 1–2% have

     positive concept of self, a respectful                     profound intellectual disability (IQ level
     attitude towards other individuals’ rights,                <2.Mild intellectual disability cannot be
     opinions and behaviors, and positive                       detected generally until after first or
     behaviors and value judgments. For                         second grade at school. By the end of

     centuries, individuals with intellectual                   adolescence, they will generally have an
     disabilities have been regarded as inhuman,                academic achievement at the level of sixth
     asexual or childish, or that                               grade. Most children with moderate
     they were over fond of sex and that they                   intellectual disabilities can acquire adequate
     could not control their sexuality.  However,               conversation and communication skills in

     unwonted sexualized behaviors can occur                    early childhood.  Generally, they have
     because the individuals do not know                        difficulties academically and do not usually
     whether their sexually oriented behaviors                  exceed second and third grade levels. In
     are appropriate in terms of place, time and                adolescence they find it hard to

     context. In other words, they cannot control               socialize.
     these behaviors.

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