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They spend little time with others and can                     answering these questions.
    benefit from intensive social and                              In this case, the child should not be
    occupational support. Individuals                              blamed, scolded or reduced to silence.
    with severe intellectual disabilities can                      Being blamed or scolded gives the child
    develop communication skills in childhood;                     the impression that these questions

    however, they can learn important                              should not be asked, leaving
    words at any time. Children with profound                      him/her to resort to observing and
    intellectual disabilities can learn certain                    performing experiments, as well as
    self-care skills, but they require appropriate                 searching for answers by asking other
    education to learn to communicate.                             individuals In this way sexual education
    The fact that individuals with intellectual                    moves beyond the parents’ control
    disabilities also have sexual rights is usually                and may go in unwanted directions.
    forgotten, and their needs regarding                           Every family wants to provide their
    sexual knowledge, emotions and thoughts

    are neglected  Instead of being allowed to                     children with sexual education in
    develop proper sexual behaviors, their                         accordance with their family structure
    sexual expressions are unconsciously                           and culture.  Many parents, however,
    prevented, and social education in this                        become flustered and embarrassed,
    respect is not provided for them. Therefore,                   or anxious when sexuality is mentioned.
    inappropriate sexual behaviors observed in                     They give evasive answers or refrain
    these individuals arise from lack of                           from answering at all, distracting
    knowledge or being restricted as to the                        their child’s attention to safer areas. In a
    expression of their sexuality. Moreover,                       study conducted with the parents of
    compared to their peers with normal                            children with Down syndrome by Pueschel
    development, it is more difficult for                          and Scola (1988), 70% of parents found it
    intellectually disabled adolescents to                         disturbing to talk with their children
    acquire the right information about                            about sexuality.  However, children

    sexuality to provide competence for                            perceive non-verbal behaviors and
    social interactions. Therefore, they are                       evasive answers and learn to associate
    devoid of opportunity for expressing their                     conversations about sexuality with
    social and sexual interests properly.                          feelings of embarrassment and anxiety.
    Sexual education begins with the birth of                      It is important to use age-apprpriate
    individual. It continues until adulthood or                    language and provide information that
    beyond.  Regardless of having                                  child can understand. Moreover, parents
    intellectual disability, the most appropriate                  of children with intellectual disability
    guide for all children is their parents.                       stated that they have difficulty using
    Because contradictory messages can come                        graphical descriptions and the special

    from different sources, the first and most                     anatomical terms which are necessary
    accurate information about sexuality should                    for children to understand
    come from the parents. Every individual
    requires continuous sexual education                           sexual activity. Some were concerned
    appropriate to his/her age to develop                          that sexual education might increase
    positive attitude to his/her own sexuality.                    their child’s sexual behaviors.
     Asking about sexuality from an early age                      Others felt that there was no need to
    constitutes the most important part of                         give their intellectually disabled children
    sexual education. The most important point                     sexual education because they presumed
    for all questions asked about sexuality is                     that their children were asexual.
    the parents’ attitudes while

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