Page 12 - VAFM Section 1
P. 12
Upgrades are when members resign a new contract for more sessions a
Upgrades will cost more than the member’s present contract.
To receive full commission for an upgrade, First month and Last month
must be collected during sign up for full commission.
First month only will be half commission.
All signatures on file with the new contract
Valid billing on file and used during upgrade.
Correct billing date selected per the month of the day member signs up.
Once the upgrade is complete, the Training Director must submit a ticket to the
ticketing system for cancellation of old contract. This will ensure the member
does not get double billed in the upcoming months.
3 Month Decommission Policy
This policy applies to all Training Directors, Assistant Training Directors,
Managers in Training, and Personal Trainers. In the event that a member is sold
a 6 month contract and the member fails to pay at least 3 months’ worth of
monthly dues during their scheduled payments, the total invoice amount left will
be decommissioned from your total invoice for the current pay period. At Fit
Physiques we try to fit the best sales package for our members and what they
can afford. The following reasons will be valid reasons for cancellation without
decommissioned sales: 1. Death. 2. Severe Medical Disability supported by
Valid Doctors Note 3. Valid Proof of Move approved and processed by Back
Office. If a member goes into decline billing within the first 3 months of sign up,
decommission will occur during the current pay period on your personal invoice.
Training Director (Td’s, ATD’s,)/Trainer Split deals:
A split deal is defined as 2 employees sharing the total invoice of a contract/deal
sold in a pay period and receiving commission on the split invoice.The following
is the policy on Split Commission deals and approval process:
If a trainer produces their own client/upgrade they receive full
If the TD has to assist in the actual sales process (the contact, workout,
or price presentation)
then it will result in a split.
If a trainer produces a lead off the floor or sets an appointment for the TD
it will result
in a split
All TD split deals from upgrades need Upper Management approval.