Page 15 - VAFM Section 1
P. 15

Requirements for Training Directors

        Required Work Hours:  A Training Director for Fit Physiques will be required to work no less
        than 40 hours per week, not including lunch or personal breaks. The Training Director must
        work their scheduled shift set forth by Upper Management.

        Clocking in and out: Upon hiring, a profile and log in will be created in the Club Ready
        software that a TD will be required to clock in and out during their scheduled shift.  The TD
        must clock out for all lunch, personal, and workout breaks.  Any clock in times that need to
        be changed must be emailed to your direct manager (Training Director) for proper time clock

        Base pay: A TD will earn their set base above for the hours worked in scheduling
        appointments and conducting Personal Training Consultations.  The minimum working hours
        for a TD is 40 hours per week. Breaks are not included. TD’s must work their full schedule to
        receive their full base for the pay period.  Any missed days will be deducted from the base if
        vacation and sick time has not yet been earned.  A written time off form must be submitted to
        the Human Resources department for processing.

        Bonus pay:  The TD can bonus based off the goals set for the pay period for the home club
        that the TD is working in for that pay period.  The TD must sell at least 75% of the set total
        invoice goal for the entire pay period to be eligible. TD bonus goals will apply per pay periods
        and paid for during regular payroll with base and commissions. (Pay periods 1st-15th pays
        out on the 25th of the same month. 16th-31s pays out on the 10th of the following month).
        Pay dates are subject to change per weekends, holidays, and  Fit Physiques discrepancy.

        Bonus Policy: The Bonus will be paid out if total commissionable invoice is 75% or higher of
        set club goal by the end of the final sales day of the pay period. The goal for total club
        invoice will be a total set at the beginning of each pay period per Upper
        Management/Corporate Office. Bonus pay is at the discretion of Fit Physiques. Fit Physiques
        reserves the right to withhold or revoke bonus pay at any time.

        Earning Commission: To receive full commission the contract must have the following: Must
        be 18 years or older unless signed by parent/guardian. Correct Drafting Date.  Session price
        does not drop below approved price sheets unless stated otherwise by Upper Management
        Processing fee and First month’s dues during signing.  Signatures at all applicable areas on
        the contract.  Valid Billing on file during the day of signing.  New Client Checklist uploaded.
        All of these items must be done during sign up.  If anything is missing or invalid, commission
        will not be counted toward personal or club goals. Full commission is paid when processing,
        first and last month’s dues are collected at the time of signing. Half commission is paid when
        only processing fee and first months dues are collected. The commission tier represents the
        total invoice of your personal sales.  To figure out commission use the following formula:
        Total invoice sold x Commission Tier=Commission.
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