Page 56 - VAFM Section 1
P. 56
Objection Handling
Basic Objection Handling
1. Listen And Repeat
- "So, what you're saying is that you would like to go home and think about it?"
- "Ok, Mrs. Jones, so you would like to talk to your husband?"
- "Ok, you would like to try it on your own?"
2. Agree
- "I completely understand why you would want to talk it over with husband/check the
budget/think about it."
3. Question/Go Back to Goals
a. "First, tell me, what do you like about that program?"
b. "Let's take a step back for a second." (3 yes questions tying in hot button) "You said
you were serious about and committed to reaching that (HOT BUTTON), right?"
c. "And you know that having that knowledge/structure/motivation/accountability will
ensure that you reach that goal, RIGHT?"
d. "But it needs to be more affordable than the program we're looking at, right?"
4. Offer Solution
a. "Great, can I make a suggestion?" (This is an empowering question)
b. "Let's do this. If I could find a program that fits comfortably into the budget but still
equips you with the tools necessary to be successful, would you get started today?"
GO TO STEP 5 or 4.c
c. TO Training Director or call DM.
5. Show Next 2 Options