Page 9 - Resort Guide 15.01.19
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Bu alo Fighting
One of the most popular activities on Koh Samui is bu alo fighting. Bu alo fighting is
often held on special occasions such as New Year's Day and during Songkran but can
occur throughout the year in designated stadiums throughout the island. It is a local
tradition, the origins of which are unknown, and will require some local knowledge if
you want to experience a match as the stadiums are usually away from traditional
tourist areas.
The bu alos are beautifully decorated with ribbons and gold-painted leaves and monks
spray the bu alos with holy water before the sacred contest. Unlike bull fighting or a
rodeo, the fighting on Koh Samui is peaceful and humane. Great e ort is made to
ensure the safety of the bu alo. The owner of the winning animal typically takes home
millions of baht in prize money.
Samui Regatta
The Samui Regatta is a world-class sailing tournament held every year since its
inception in 2002. The tournament is internationally known and competitors come from
as far away as Australia, Singapore, Japan and China.