Page 21 - Titan VPS™
P. 21


                       Initial Startup


                              Note:  Refer to image on following page.

                              1)  Remove 1-1/2” NPT plug with gauge.
                              2)  Fill pipe with water until full.
                              3)  Let stand a few minutes and refill.
                              4)  Replace above pipe plug with gauge.
                              5)  Turn off motor starter for 10HP motor.
                              6)  Turn 3HP motor starter on and run.
                              7)  To aid in priming the system, the 2” ball valve out of the separator can be closed and opened
                              8)  Pressure on the first gauge should come up to 20-40 PSI, depending on your suction lift.
                              9)  Check system for leaks from suction line, pump station, and all lines to tubes in tunnel.
                              10)  Tighten all screws on the top and bottom manifold end caps.
                              11)  If pump fails to prime and obtain 20-40 PSI on the first gauge, then check for leakage at the foot
                                 valve.  Refill the suction line and repeat steps 5-9.
                              12)  If steady pressure is obtained and no leaks are evident, then shut off the 3HP pump.
                              13)  Bleed any air out of the 10HP pump from the bleeder valve.
                              14)  Make sure 2” ball valve is opened and both motor starters are on.
                              15)  Energize entire system to start both pumps.
                              16)  Check for approximately 30 PSI on the first gauge, 20 PSI on the inlet to the 10HP and 140 PSI on
                                 the gauge out of the 10HP pump.
                              17)  Check for leaks throughout the system at high pressure.
                              18)  Your pressures may vary slightly with your suction lift and distance to the tunnel.
                              19)  The 10 HP motor starter relay should be in series with the flow switch on the pump station. This
                                 will cause a slight delay on the  large pump startup. This protects the large pump from running
                                 without adequate supply water from the smaller pump.
                              20)  Connect a 3/4” flexible water line from the Lakos™ separator bottom sight tube, to a return line to
                                 the pit. This return line should be to a chamber, baffled from the pump suction line.
                              21)  Open the 3/4” ball valve slightly to allow sediment to return to the tank.
                              22)  Regularly check the sight tube for sediment buildup. If there is a build up, then open the 3/4” ball
                                 valve a little more. If no return line is available then this valve can be kept closed and opened daily
                                 to purge sediment into another container.
                              23)  As nozzles wear they will flow more than the 85 gallons per minute recommended for maximum
                                 pump efficiency. The 2” ball valve can be closed slightly to keep a 9 to 11 PSI pressure difference
                                 between gauge and gauge. Always maintain 10 PSI minimum at gauge into the 10HP pump.
                              Note:  The 10 HP pump must never run without adequate water supply. Shut down the system if
                                     any problems occur, and trouble shoot per the equipment manuals. Refer to Grundfoss™
                                     and Lakos™ manuals supplied for maintenance procedures.

                       1MANUL743            Belanger, Inc. * 1001 Doheny Ct. * Northville, MI 48167 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681       19
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