Page 1 - The Delta Shield - Fall 2018
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Fall 2018
tennessee delta chapter of phi kappa psi at vanderbilt university
alumni relations office | p.o. box 80828, atlanta, georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987
From the ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: John E. Dredge ’70
A New Era
Wow, it has been quite
an eventful year for
the fraternity on both
the national and local levels.
We closed on the sale of the chap-
ter house on June 21, 2018, and have
the proceeds set aside in an investment
account. We are ever-mindful of the
proud history of owning our house and
the land that H. Fort Flowers purchased
and developed. Nevertheless, the sale
was necessary because of escalating
property taxes, and Vanderbilt wanted
the right-of-way from the sidewalks John with his sons, Matt and Rich, at St. Andrews in Scotland.
and street to implement their West End
Neighborhood project. Editor’s NotE: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the spotlight on Brother
The sale was approved by members John Dredge ’70. From the hometown of Galesburg, Illinois, John is currently a resident
of the House Corporation by a margin of Cobb County, Georgia. After graduating cum laude from Vanderbilt with a degree in
of 92% in favor during a special meet- systems and information science, John is currently working as a senior business con-
ing held on May 31, 2018. An invest- sultant in supply chain planning for JDA Software. As an active member, John served
ment committee, headed by brother the chapter as house manager and recording secretary. He continues to give back and
Dick Raney ’64, was formed to man- has served on the House Corporation Board of Directors for several years, co-hosted
age the investments from the proceeds. the annual Memorial Day reunion, and has been extensively involved with the activi-
Furthermore, we have entered into a ties surrounding the chapter house. For fun, he enjoys golf, photography, working on
32-year lease agreement with Vanderbilt his house, and building computers. He and wife Mary have been together for 45 years
to remain in the chapter house, with the now and share two children: Matt (42), is a CPA, who is married with son, Max, and
fees of the lease being mostly paid by daughter, Mia, and have lived in Hong Kong for past 11 years; son Rich (38) is a CEO,
the undergraduate members and house married, and has two sons, Ian and Evan.
On the national level, the fraternity What did you enjoy most as an ac- for parties and events (especially the
has established new rules regarding tive chapter member? mandatory after-party cleanup sessions),
alcohol use in the I grew up in a small decorating for Homecoming the entire
chapter house. community and chose Friday night, taking care of the “new”
They will no Vanderbilt due to its house and furniture, very long chapter
longer allow ca- location in a larger urban meetings where everyone was allowed
sual drinking in area. However, inside that their time to speak, introduction to
common areas by context, I knew I should Robert’s Rules of Order and parliamen-
anyone outside of find a smaller group at the tary procedure, ping-pong in the front
registered social school to become close window, stopping in the kitchen for
events, and ex- to. My father was in a late night snacks (especially fried onion
pressly prohibit fraternity and we all heard rings), washing dishes as a fill-in, run-
use of alcohol 48 stories from that time in ning monthly statements in the com-
hours before and his life—they were good. puter center, and rooming with other Phi
after new mem- Alumni Spotlight: John Dredge ’70. I remember eating meals Alumni Spotlight (continued on page 7)
House Corporation (continued on page 6) at the house, preparing