Page 140 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 140
Manchester! That really started our long He gave talks about the breed to the BMTC,
showing and breeding interest in Manchesters. the Kennel Club and to fanciers abroad. He
even gave one in a Scandinavian county which
Peter left school at 16, spent about two days did not have one single Manchester. It started
learning how to make ball bearings and decided with slide shows and then more sophisticated
that was quite enough time in that trade. He presentations. He was all his life blissfully
then started work in his Father’s fish and poultry ignorant of just about anything to do with
company. He reckoned that if you could sell computers and relied on others to set things
welks on a cold, rainy Monday morning in up for him. Poor Felicity Freer did most of the
Guilford market you could sell anything and work, she complained of her brain starting to
talk to anyone. That is what was Peter. He melt, but got it done. I hope that Peter thanked
sold the Manchester Terrier the same way that her. He gave a talk in Wales with Shirley Ellis
he sold welks! He became a Parish Councilor, Jones of the Brynlythe ETTS about the two
a District Councilor and then Leader of the breeds. It went very well, one of the members
Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. of the audience fell off his chair, he laughed so
He did the same in the Manchester Terrier much.
world. First being elected to the Committee of
the British Manchester Terrier Club and then He served on KC Committees where he
Vice Chairman and Chairman. Any potential mentioned Manchesters as often as possible.
disputes were settled by talking. I remember I remember one distinguished Judge whose
one show where one of the exhibitors was ear he was bending about the breed, being
being a nuisance to the women exhibitors. The collected by her husband. As they walked away,
Chairman and the Vice Chairman quietly linked he asked what was all the about and she said,
arms with him, lifting him off his feet and he was “only the Evas talking about Manchester Terriers
‘walked’ out of the show ground. It worked; he as usual.”
never made a nuisance of himself again.
Manchester breeders since
the war have bred some
beautiful dogs, that have all
more or less been ignored
in the ring by Judges.
Peters constant talk about
them, his enthusiasm
and the publicity he gave
the breed went a little
way to make them more
successful as show dogs.
Things have changed since
then, thank goodness. The
breed no longer relies on
the show ring for publicity.
They take part in all sorts of
sports with great success.
Peter has gone, but the
breed prospers, he would
be so proud.
Peter Eva going over one
of Felicity Freer’s dogs