Page 143 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 143
Manchester. Then of course they asked me to these things and do them with such gusto and
contact the Manchester rehoming organisation glee.
to help find a home for her. There wasn’t any
The Club has a wonderful set of people who
such organisation and, worse, no one seemed
travel to shows and venues all over the country
interested. Eventually, with the help of Mandy
to display the breed on Breed Stands. Again,
Davies and her mum she was rehomed with
what a revelation. This breed which is noted
them. As you know things are 100% better now.
and famed for being stand offish with strangers,
Not only was there no organisation to help allow themselves to live in a small, probably cold
Manchesters that had fallen on hard times but tents for a whole day and let strangers pat and
there was no money to cover the cost of helping fondle them. Their owners are a pretty resilient
them. Delia Hemsell used to sell her craft items lot too.
and paintings at dog shows local to her. She
One of the Committee members, Lesley
generously donated all the money she made
Olbinson, decided to invite other Manchester
to a fund to help these dogs. It was decided to
owners in her region for a walk on Formby
call it Friends of Manchester Terriers. The Club
sands. It was a success, the dogs got on
raises money for Friends at every show, Fun
together and enjoyed doing what they do best,
Day and at Crufts. Thank you to Delia and to
running and running on miles and miles of
everyone who helps raise the money needed.
beach. The owners were in heaven too, seeing
The Club had several Secretaries after lots of other Manchesters and able to talk dog
Phil resigned and all of them continued her to their hearts content. Lesley called the walk
traditions. The difference being that the work A Mooch and since then Mooches take place
was distributed. They are duly recognised in the all over the UK; organised by different people.
Year Book, but some who have contributed a They are advertised on the Club website.
great deal to the club are the unacknowledged
I think that the best innovation that the Club has
spouses. For instance, Janet Benton’s
made is to start a Facebook page. It is used by
husband, Dick Benton, set up the first Club
pretty well everyone in the breed whether they
web site when she was Secretary of the Club.
show their dog, work it or have a companion
Suddenly the rest of the world could find out
Manchester. I hear from other non-dog friends
about the breed and maybe understand why the
just how pernicious Facebook is and think
rest of us are so daft about them.
that they don’t belong to the BMTC Facebook
The only showcase for the breed when I first community. Every morning I drink my cup of
came into it was the show ring and it was not tea, sit on the sofa, open my iPad and luxuriate,
a kind or glamorous showcase. We were the revel and just plain enjoy reading about your
underdogs of the Terrier Group. Manchesters dogs. People get help on health and behaviour
never won anything in the Groups. You had problems and others just post pictures of their
to get used to the glazed eye of the Judge Manchesters. It is, as they say, the best thing
skimming over your precious dog as he skipped since sliced bread.
from the Lakeland Terrier at one side of you to
Wow, the Club has changed so much and since
the Norfolk on the other! Slowly, slowly that
its inauguration is now a bustling, busy, multi-
has changed and Manchesters are taking part
tasking organisation. March 2020 has been
in Agility, Obreedience [not a spelling mistake].
such a sad year for us all, not being able to
Flyball, Rally and Heelwork to music. They are
get out and see our friends and their dogs, talk
much more suited to these activities. They are
dogs and see these wonderful, sleek, beautiful
superb athletes and like to be busy and doing
Manchester Terriers.
things. I am still dazzled by the success they
have. My old mind still finds it hard to believe Ella Eva
that Manchesters can be obedient and do all