Page 142 - K9News_Issue16_May2021
P. 142

Breed Standard


                                                     British Manchester

                                                               Terrier Club

                                                    A view from our President

                                                                   Mrs L J Eva

           The British Manchester Terrier Club was             paraphernalia of a Secretary and show manager
           founded in 1937.  Before that there had been        and several of her dogs.  Committee meetings
           numerous clubs for the “Black and Terrier” all      and shows started when her train arrived at
           of which failed for various reasons.  When the      the nearest station.   She ran everything.  She
           Black and Tan was split into two breeds, the,       was Secretary, Treasurer, Show Manager
           English Toy Terrier and the Manchester Terrier      and publisher of the Year Book and the Club
           it was necessary to create a club especially for    Magazine, “Highlights”.  As the Club got bigger
           Manchesters.  According to Miss Schwabe of          and she became older, her mother became
           the “Of Dreams” kennel, the word ‘British’ was      weaker and she began to experience the first
           added to indicate that it was a club for the breed   symptoms of cancer she, very reluctantly,
           and not just a club based in Manchester for         allowed other Club members to take on some of
           terriers.                                           the duties of running the Club.
           When my husband. Peter, and I bought our            The Club prospered and grew, but it had some
           first Manchester in the early 1970’s we joined      serious problems.  One we found early on was
           the club and found a small organisation with a      that the three leading ladies did not approve
           Secretary called Phil Margiotta.  We learned        of just anyone breeding Manchesters.  They
           very fast that it was dominated by three rather     guarded the breed fiercely.  They knew that the
           grand ladies, Phil, Enid Teague Knight and          numbers were dangerously low and the gene
           Nerolie de Lavis Trafford.  Their Affixes were,     pool shrinking. Enid had helped bring the breed
           respectively, Prioryhill, Eaglespur and Tyburn      back from the brink of extinction and its welfare
           and if you look back in your dog’s pedigree you     was precious.
           will find all of them as the foundations of you
                                                               The other problem was that there was no help
           dogs breeding.
                                                               for Manchesters that needed rehoming.  I
           Phil was an amazing woman.  She had                 remember being asked to go to the country
           inherited a Club with almost no organisation,       kennel of Battersea Dogs Home in Egham,
           run on amateur lines.  Phil’s first breed was       Surrey to see a dog that had been found by the
           Dobermans, and she used her experience of           police in a squat in London and abandoned.
           their clubs to reform the BMTC.  She lived in       She was terrified and had been moved to
           Hastings and did not drive.  She used to say        Egham as it was quieter there.  They were not
           that Hastings was cut off from the rest of Britain   sure that it was a Manchester.  When I saw her,
           as it had bad roads and rail networks.  This        pressed against the back of the kennel, too
           did not stop her travelling by train with all the   scared to come out, I confirmed that she was a

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