Page 4 - Petals of Flower-Revised_30thJune,2017
P. 4
Lord of myriad charms
Beautiful in stature and bountiful at heart,
With feet of lotus and flower bedecked arms,
With eyes like clouds showering kindly grace,
Oh my Lord of myriad charms!
Thou atr light within fire,music in sound,
The seed within fruit and womb of the seed,
The sacred spirit of subtle scriptures
Which to sing thy praise doth my breath need;
Long as the stream and vast as the ocean,
Calm as the clouds in the starry skies,
Mild as midnight moon and militant as crimson sun,
Lofty as peaks looking austere in Himalayas.
Gandhi Thou shouldst be living at this hour
Gandhi, thou shoulds be living at this hour
In this land looming pale with doleul gloom,
Which were you would smile with graceful bloom
Like lovely flowers of a sunny bower
In this land barren of brotherhood, shower