Page 9 - Petals of Flower-Revised_30thJune,2017
P. 9
Yes!,the cosy cloud was in love,
With the proud peek soaring above,
Stately in stature,silently majestic,
Clad in velvety green,all romantic!
O’er the sapphire sky the snowy cloud sailed,
Mute and mild as a mermaid,
Beheld her beauty in the pellucid water
Placid in the pond,Nature’s mirror.
Thus the cloud dressed in dazzling white
To her lover’s adoring delight,
Bent low o’er the silent peak in soft kiss
Oh! What an eternal bliss!
Nature in Love-2
It was a full moon night,
Bridely moon bathed in milky light!
Two rivals in love I saw;
Each his life with her to share.
The cloud with a thunder did crash,
The wave with a roar did splash;
Thus arose the lovers’ dispute