Page 11 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
P. 11

Stage 5: First Six Months

       Six months is not a long time for the new staff member

       when there are new systems to understand and a new

       role to learn and perform. Continue to support the new

       staff member and meet regularly throughout this initial

       period of employment.

       Performance development
       review                                                                        Induction certification

       In collaboration with the new staff                                           Upon completion of the
       member, the manager will review the                                           six month induction program,
       new staff member’s performance during                                         the manager and the new
       the first six months of employment.                                           staff member should sign
                                                                                     off on the program’s successful

                                                                                     A copy of the signed induction
                                                                                     checklist should be forwarded
                                                                                     to Corporate Employee
                                                                                     Services for placement on the
                                                                                     staff member’s personal file.
                                                                                     Forward to:

                                                                                     Employee Service
                                                                                     Centre, Sydney CBD,
                                                                                     Human Resources
                                                                                     Services and Systems


                                                                                     F  9244 5541
                                                                                        Postal address:
                                                                                     GPO Box 33
                                                                                     Sydney NSW 2001

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