Page 6 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
P. 6
Welcome and meeting with context of the department’s structure Provision of access to
colleagues and strategic directions. technology
Tour of workplace
The manager plays an important role Arrangements to ensure the new
in introducing the new staff member The new staff member should be staff member can gain immediate access
to colleagues across the organisation escorted around the workplace and to his/her computer and its related
they will interact with, and helping them shown the facilities (reception, kitchen, functions (i.e. email, internet, printer
gradually expand their network. and the appropriate unit server) should
amenities etc.) The tour also provides
Meeting colleagues informally provides an opportunity to introduce the new be made prior to the new staff member
entering on duty.
the new staff member with an early staff member to the other members
opportunity to establish professional of the team and to key people in the While staff will generally be required
relationships with the people he or she organisation with whom the new staff to have a certain level of computer
will be working with on a daily basis. member will come into contact eg senior literacy on taking up their position, they
Also give them some context, not just staff, colleagues in related areas. may not have worked with the same
a name – what does each person or team The new staff member may also benefit systems as we use. Assistance may need
do, how might their role interact with from information relating to facilities to be provided to ensure that there is no
the new staff member’s role. delay in the staff member commencing
external to the workplace eg public
Providing the new staff member with transport, banks, chemists, post office, their duties.
an organisational chart of the business supermarkets, coffee and lunch places. The new staff member should also be
unit/workplace beforehand gives them a advised how to obtain assistance from
context in which to place new colleagues. Provision of access to the ICT Service Desk.
It is essential that every member of the Emergency procedures
team is introduced to the new staff The new staff member should be
member. If a member of the team is informed of the importance of All the department’s offices have
absent on the first day of the new staff maintaining the high level of security procedures to deal with a range of
member, it is important to arrange an already in place throughout the serious incidents. The new staff member
introduction upon the team member’s department and of the specific security should be briefed on the emergency
return. systems and processes operating in procedures operating in the workplace.
the building. This role may be undertaken by the
Introductions to new colleagues nearest designated Fire Warden.
should also be followed up with an If possible, security codes or access cards
official welcome to the team such as should be arranged prior to the new staff First aid information
a morning tea. member entering on duty.
The new staff member should be
Explanation of the A demonstration of how to use a security briefed on the first aid procedures
workplace structure, code or access card should be provided operating in the workplace. This role
to the new staff member to ensure
functions and key familiarity and confidence with the may be undertaken by the designated
First Aid Officer.
documents security system. Any after-hours access
should also be explained to the new
Providing the new staff member with a staff member.
unit plan allows them to place the unit
and his or her own work in the broader