Page 8 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
P. 8

Stage 3: First Week

       On day two the manager should ensure that all

       requirements for day one of the induction program have

       been met. The manager should meet formally with the

       staff member and also visit the staff member’s work

       station for an informal chat.

       Stage 3 is the commencement of on    the relevant scheme and their role in the   and the new staff member through the
       the job induction where the manager   process with their new staff member.  performance planning, management and
       introduces the new staff member to his/                                  development process.
       her position and the specific features of it.  Collaborative development
                                            of the work plan for the first      It is important that the new staff member
       It is also the time to start introducing                                 understands that capability development
       the new staff member to a range of   month                               should meet both the needs of the
       organisational programs and directions.                                  department and the new staff member.
                                            The new staff member should be
       In concert with this, the manager    provided with a work plan for the first   The capability development website
       should direct the new staff member   month. The work plan should build on   provides a wealth of information, tools
       to the online induction for corporate   the work plan developed for completion   and resources to help staff assess,
       staff. The review of the site should   in the first week.                develop and evaluate their capabilities.
       be completed by the end of the staff
       member’s first month.                Discussing the work plan with the new   The NSW Public Sector Capability
                                            staff member allows the new staff   Framework is a useful tool to establish a
       The manager should also be on the    member to clarify any matters and   shared understanding of the knowledge,
       lookout for useful or interesting    proceed towards achieving agreed    skills and abilities vital to the success of
       opportunities to get the new staff   outcomes. Ensure that the staff     the department.
       member involved with, and invite them    member has access to key documents
       to meetings.                         impacting his/her role and a copy of   Awards and conditions
                                            the organisational structure and the
       This may also be a time to discuss field   department’s strategies and plans.   The new staff member should be advised
       visits that maybe applicable to the new                                  of the Award or Agreement which outlines
       staff members role and will assist them    Capability development        his/her conditions of employment.
       to better understand their clients eg
       school and/or TAFE institute visit.  The department is committed to the   The new staff member should also
                                            development of its staff and encourages   be advised that he/she may apply and
       Performance development              every staff member to take advantage   access leave records through Employee
                                            of the range of capability development   Self Services.
       The new staff member will need to    activities on offer and to be actively
       be informed of the department’s      engaged in their career development.
       performance development policy and
       scheme. The manager will need to discuss   Opportunities for capability development
                                            will be agreed upon by the manager

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