Page 3 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
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       The Induction Toolkit:               These five stages represent suggested   as appropriate for your area and the new
                                            timeframes and should be amended to   staff member’s role.
       ■   complements the online induction   suit the needs of the new staff member,
         for  corporate staff which provides   the manager and other colleagues   The new staff member should receive
         a central point for accessing key   supporting the induction process.  a copy of the checklist to ensure full
         organisational information                                             participation in the induction program.
                                            The following sections in the toolkit
       ■   outlines the elements to be      provide more detailed information on
         considered in the provision of an   the activities associated with each of
         effective induction                the stages.

       ■   complements existing local induction    A summary of the stages has been
                                            included in the induction checklist for
       The toolkit provides guidance to assist   easy use by managers to ensure that they
       in the development of a planned and   provide a comprehensive induction and
       supported induction program and is   that all relevant core areas are covered.
       divided into five stages:
                                            The program is designed to be flexible
       ■   Stage 1:  Prior to arrival       so that it meets personal needs and
       ■   Stage 2:   First day             interests of each new staff member.
                                            Managers should use it as a guide and
       ■   Stage 3:  First week
                                            adapt it to meet the needs of each new
       ■   Stage 4:  First month            staff member. There may be additional
                                            information, different meetings or
       ■   Stage 5:  First six months
                                            alternative resources you need to provide,

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