Page 5 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
P. 5
Stage 2: First Day
First impressions count. Ensure you are prepared for the
new staff member.
Stage 2 introduces the staff member and the expectation that the staff Work plan for the first week
to their specific work location. It covers member should be committed to the
an initial meeting with the manager, organisation’s values, respectful and Provide a brief overview of the
meeting other staff, undertaking a tour demonstrate a willingness to contribute department’s 5 Year Strategic Plan
of the work environment, familiarisation and be engaged with their work. and how the new staff member’s job
with administrative processes, systems contributes to it. This will clarify how
access, security arrangements and The new staff member should be things fit together – from department
evacuation protocols. made aware of the department’s policies and local plans and targets, through
and procedures, particularly those that to the staff member’s own work. It is
Local induction is the “who, what, apply to their work. the first step in developing their own
where, when and how” of the new staff work plan.
member’s working environment. The manager must also ensure that
the key policy documents related to At this meeting discuss their
Meet with the new staff Code of Conduct and Child Protection position description, tasks,
member Procedures are brought to the attention priorities and responsibilities and
of the staff member. Completion of the
performance expectations.
child protection training is mandatory.
Importantly, the manager should
schedule sufficient time to welcome Ethics and conduct The new staff member will be
the new staff member and discuss eager to undertake productive work,
expectations and initial work tasks. This The Code of Conduct Policy and to demonstrate value to the team as
ensures the manager is available and Procedures clarifies the standards of soon as possible.
on hand for the new staff member. The behaviour that are expected of all staff The new staff member should be
manager’s visibility and support during in the department in the performance provided with an initial assignment
the first few days is vital to creating of their duties. or tasks for the first week.
a great first impression and a settled,
confident new staff member. Child protection Entry on duty
To demonstrate our customer focussed We deliver education and training The completed entry on duty form
culture the manager should outline services to children and young people. should be provided to Corporate
our commitment to customer service While not all staff are required to manage Employee Services on the day the new
and what the community can expect and supervise students, it is important for staff member enters on duty.
from our services and discuss with the all departmental staff to understand and
new staff member the department’s observe the Protecting and Supporting This will ensure that the new staff
vision and goals emphasising employee Children and Young People Policy and member joins the department’s payroll.
responsibilities. child protection procedures.
The manager should also discuss the
department’s performance expectations