Page 2 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
P. 2

1.0 Introduction

           The Induction Toolkit will assist managers develop a

           customised workplace induction program to meet the

           individual needs of new corporate staff members.

          What is induction?                 Who manages the                   The induction program you
                                             induction process?                develop should:
          Induction is a six month planned
                                                                               ■   be positive and affirm the new
          and supported approach to          As a manager you play a key          staff member’s decision to join
          introducing new staff members      role in ensuring the new staff       the organisation
          to their role, responsibilities and   member is provided with a smooth
          the Department of Education and    and effective transition into the   ■   introduce the new staff member
          Communities.                                                            to their role and responsibilities
          Why is induction                   As a new staff member’s manager   ■   enable the new staff member
                                                                                  to understand the organisation
          important?                         you have a significant impact on     and the unit within which
                                             their successful transition to their
                                             new role.                            they work
          A well-designed induction
          program:                           An effective and carefully planned   ■   provide the necessary
                                             induction ensures a new staff        information to reduce the time
          ■   supports a culture of high     member feels supported in their      for the new staff member to
            performance                                                           reach full proficiency
                                             role and their first experiences of
          ■   enables the department to      the department are positive.      ■   lead to the new staff
            communicate its corporate        Managers are responsible for         member’s early understanding
            values, behavioural expectations   coordinating and implementing      of his/her position, how it
            and job-related information to   the induction program and            connects with the department’s
            all new staff                                                         strategic directions and how
                                             supporting their new staff member

          ■   ensures that staff understand   to become familiar with the         it benefits students from early
                                                                                  childhood education and care,
            their responsibilities and       workplace and how it operates.       through to adult learners and
            performance expectations,        As the manager you will need to:     into communities.
            and how their roles contribute
            to the achievement of the        ■   develop a customised induction
            department’s goals                 program for the new staff
          ■   helps new staff develop realistic
            job expectations, equips         ■   support the new staff member
            them with knowledge of the         through each stage of the
            department and their role and      induction process.
            demonstrates our commitment
            to them.

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