Page 7 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
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Use of equipment training in this area eg Writing in the and who to contact in the case of an
public sector: an introduction offered unexpected absence from the office.
Providing the new staff member through the NSW Institute of Public
with demonstrations in the use of Administration Australia (IPAA). Staff covered by flex time will need
the office’s day to day equipment to be advised of the requirement to
assists the new staff member to do Answering telephones (including fill out a flex sheet and how to
the job better and lifts confidence by unattended telephones) complete it. Refer to the Flexible
providing an early degree of control Make sure the new staff member has Working Hours Agreement.
over unfamiliar surroundings.
been provided with an internal phone list Question time
and that his/her name appears on the list.
A customised induction program
Ensure the new staff member is proficient Advise the new staff member of the incorporates time for the new staff
in using the Spectrum Telephone System. unit’s telephone protocols. member to ask questions.
Multifunction centre Sending mail Advise the new staff member that
time has been set aside at the end of
Advise the new staff member how to use Advise the new staff member of the day to answer any questions that may
the multifunction centre i.e. combined arrangements for the collection and have arisen throughout the day.
photocopier, scanner and facsimile and dispatch of work related mail. This gives the new staff member time
provided with an access code if required. to prepare the questions.
Booking rooms and equipment
Videoconferencing Advise the staff member of procedures
Demonstrate how to use video for booking meeting rooms at the
conferencing equipment. workplace location and any processes for
borrowing equipment such as, laptops
Workplace systems and or cameras.
procedures Work health and safety
The new staff member should be The new staff member to undertake the
advised of the systems, procedures and health and safety office based induction
information management and records training self-paced package. Inform your
management processes operating in staff member of the department’s health
the workplace.
and wellbeing program, Living Well.
Depending on the new staff member’s Discuss with your new staff member, the
role this may include:
department’s commitment to providing
a positive work environment free from
Preparing correspondence
discrimination, sexual harassment and
Guidelines have been prepared to bullying.
assist all staff in the preparation of
departmental responses, briefing Work hours and absences
notes, submissions and ministerial
correspondence. If your new staff Advise the new staff member of the
member is new to the Public sector they opening and closing times of the
may benefit from undertaking some building, work times and lunch breaks