Page 10 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
P. 10
Stage 4: First Month
Keep in contact with the new staff member, meet with
them regularly to discuss issues and answer questions.
Getting to know the new Corporate graduate As appropriate, managers should
staff member If the new staff member has been coordinate meetings with key senior
officers and site visits to key locations or
The department recognises that staff recruited through the Graduate Initiative to meet key stakeholders.
members have responsibilities and for Corporate Staff, the manager
commitments beyond their work, and should ensure that they are aware of Online induction for
is committed to provide policies and the graduate website and the support corporate staff
practices to assist staff to successfully services available, including a network of
manage competing demands. existing graduates. By the end of the first month the new
staff member should have viewed the
As well as focussing on the work to Corporate Aboriginal staff entire contents of the Induction for
be done, managers should discuss the Corporate Staff.
new staff member’s wellbeing and how If the new staff member is Aboriginal,
they are settling in to the new work the manager should ensure they are Mentoring
environment and provide assistance if aware of the Winanggaay website and
and as required. support available from Aboriginal Human Managers should discuss the advantages
Resources Project Officers. of the department’s mentoring program
This assistance may be in the form of with new staff members. This should
better allocation of tasks within the Staff with a disability be done as part of the performance
team, utilisation of flexible work practice development process.
options or in some cases referral to the There are a number of resources
Employee Assistance Program. specifically designed to assist managers Question time
effectively support staff with a disability
Performance development and to create an inclusive work Keep in contact, don’t assume things are
environment. fine, ask the new staff member.
The manager should engage the staff
member in a performance planning, Ensure the staff member is aware of the
management and development Staff with Disabilities Network.
discussion to develop their work plan and
learning and development plan for the Meet key senior officers
next twelve months.
Meeting the department’s key senior
Performance expectations should be officers allows the new staff member
clearly conveyed at this discussion. to put a face to a name and helps to
personalise the organisation.