Page 9 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
P. 9

The internet and intranet            Workforce diversity                 responsibility to discuss probation with
                                                                                any new staff member covered by it.
       Allocate time for the new staff member   The department is committed to
       to explore the department’s internet and   ensuring its policies and procedures are   The conduct and services of people
       intranet websites. Key features of the   non-discriminatory and contribute to   appointed on probation require review
       websites have been included in the online   workforce diversity outcomes.   prior to the expiration of the probation
       Induction for corporate staff.                                           period.  Managers must monitor all
                                            Managers should encourage the new   aspects of the performance of their
       The new staff member must be made    staff member to complete the online    probationary staff member and must
       aware of the department’s standards   EEO survey.                        verify that the new staff member’s
       in relation to the use of websites                                       conduct and performance is satisfactory
       and be familiar with the Employer    Probation                           before appointment can be confirmed.
       Communication Devices Staff Use Policy.                                  The Personnel Handbook provides more
                                            If the staff member is new to the public   detail on the management of
       Provide the new staff member with the   sector they are appointed on six months’   the probationary process.
       opportunity for reading and reflection.  probation. This will form part of the
                                            letter of offer but it is the manager’s

       NSW DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES                                             WWW.DEC.NSW.GOV.AU   9
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