Page 4 - Induction toolkit for managers of corporate staff
P. 4
Stage 1: Prior to arrival
The degree to which new staff members feels welcome
will be influenced by the preparations they can see have
been made for them.
Advise the team ■ the desk, drawers, shelves, cabinets, ■ provide information on parking,
computer and telephone are clean. dress code, location of building and
Team members should be advised that entrances, public transport, eg nearest
a new staff member will be joining the Arrange building and train/bus stations etc.
team. This advice may be an introductory computer access
email to your team and include the: Schedule a team meeting
Arranging the new staff member’s access to introduce the new
■ role of the new staff member
to the building and computer network
■ brief details of the skills and experience usually requires a lead time. Ensure this staff member
brought to the position by the new is attended to, as immediate access
staff member to facilities and technology should be Scheduling a team meeting well in
advance of the new staff member’s
■ anticipated start date of the new available to the new staff member. arrival maximises the likelihood that
staff member the entire team will be present to meet
■ work location of the new staff Enlist support from key the new staff member. Arranging a
member. team members social event such as a morning tea is an
Prepare the work area While the manager is responsible for appropriate way to welcome a new staff
member to the team.
staff induction it is helpful at this stage to
The work area needs to be ready for the enlist support from key team members to Schedule any required training and
new occupant. It demonstrates how we assist with the induction process. prepare the new staff member’s
value our new staff member and shows induction program
we are organised. A team member, for example, may
be approached to support the new As the manager you should familiarise
Ensure that:
staff member as a buddy and to assist yourself with the layout and content of
■ any adjustments that may be required with aspects of the induction program the online induction for corporate staff,
in relation to a disability have been put eg meeting colleagues and a tour of this induction toolkit and the induction
into place workplace. checklist.
■ the work station is properly equipped
(eg correct chair, computer, telephone, Contact the new staff Check that you will be available for the
stationery, recycling and garbage bins, member first week of induction, i.e. not on leave
internal phone list, calendar etc) (or arrange for a team member to assist if
you are unavailable).
■ materials (ie files and papers) from Contact the staff member prior to their
previous users of the work station, that start date to: Consider how the induction program
are not applicable to the work of the should be tailored to the new staff
■ arrange a time and place to meet them
new staff member, have been removed on their first day; member, given the role, and the new
to a more appropriate location staff member’s skills, experience and
■ ensure they know who to ask for on background, eg new to the public sector.
their first day; and