P. 302

In the books of Nishant
                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `  Amount `
             2019         Bills Receivable A/c ...........................................Dr.   25,000
             July 17           To Abhinav’s A/c                                                     25,000
                          (Being bill drawn and acceptance received)
             July 17      Bank  A/c ............................................................Dr.  24,219
                          Discount A/c ........................................................Dr.  781
                               To Bills Payable A/c                                                                 25,000
                          (Being Abhinav’s acceptance discounted with bank
                          at 12.5% p.a. for 3 months)
             Oct. 20      Abhinav’s A/c .................................................... Dr.   25,000
                               To Bank A/c                                                          25,000
                          (Being discounted bill dishonoured)
             Oct. 20      Abhinav’s A/c .....................................................Dr.   1,800
                               To Interest  A/c                                                      1,800
                          (Being interest due)
             Oct. 20      Bank A/c .............................................................Dr.   5,800
                               To Abhinav’s A/c                                                      5,800
                          (Being Cheque received)
             Oct. 20      Bills Receivible A/c ............................................Dr.                                                                 21,000
                               To Abhinav’s  A/c                                                    21,000
                          (Being acceptance given to new bill drawn)
             Dec. 20      Cash / Bank  A/c .................................................Dr.  20,250
                          Rebate / Discount A/c .........................................Dr.  750
                               To Bills Receivable A/c                                              21,000
                          (Being new bill retired one month before due date
                          rebate allowed)
            12.   Sanjay sold goods of ` 45,000 to Govind at 10% Trade discount. Govind paid 1/3  of the
                 amount immediately at a cash discount of ` 1,000 and for the balance accepted a bill for 3
                 months. Sanjay endorsed the bill to Aadesh on the same day in full settlement of his account `
                 27,500. On the due date the bill was dishonoured by Govind and noting charges paid by Aadesh
                 ` 450. Govind requested Sanjay to renew the bill. Sanjay agreed on condition that Govind
                 should pay ` 5,250 immediately along with noting charges and for the balance Govind should
                 accept a new bill for 2 months alosg with interest ` 1,500. Govind agreed to these contritions
                 and these arrangements were carried through. Sanjay paid Aadesh balance due to him. On the
                 due date of the new bill Govind dishonoured the bill.
                 Give journal entries in the books of Sanjay and prepare Sajnay’s account in the books of

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