P. 299

9.   On 3  July, 2019 Ravi drew a bill of ` 12,000 for 90 days after date on Dhruv which was accepted
                 by Dhruv. On 9  July, 2019 Ravi endorsed the bill to Harish in full settlement of his account
                 ` 12,750. On the same day Harish discounted the bill with bank for ` 11,750.
                 Government declared emergency holiday on the due date and as per the provisions of Negotiable
                 Instruments Act the bill was duly met by Dhruv.
                 Give journal entries in the books of Ravi, Dhruv and Harish.
                                                  In the books of Ravi

                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `    Amount `
             2019         Bills Receivable A/c .......................................... Dr.   12,000
             July 3            To Dhruv’s A/c                                                       12,000
                          (Being bill drawn and acceptance received)
             July 9       Harish ’s  A/c ..................................................... Dr.   12,750
                               To Bills Receivable A/c                                                                 12,000
                               To Discount A/c                                                          750
                          (Being bill endorsed in full settlement)

                                                 In the books of Dhruv
                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `    Amount `
             2019         Ravi’s  A/c ......................................................... Dr.   12,000
             July 3            To Bills Payable A/c                                                 12,000
                          (Being our acceptance given)
             Oct. 5       Bills Payable A/c  .............................................. Dr.                                                                12,000
                               To Cash / Bank A/c                                                          12,000
                          (Being our acceptance honoured)

                                                 In the books of Harish
                Date                         Particulars                      L. F.    Debit       Credit
                                                                                     Amount `    Amount `
             2019         Bills Receivable A/c .......................................... Dr.    12,000
             July 3       Discount A/c ....................................................... Dr.  750
                               To Ravi’s A/c                                                        12,750
                          (Being Bills Receivable  received  in full settlement
                          and Discount allowed)
             July 9       Bank  A/c  .......................................................... Dr.   11,750
                          Discount A/c  ...................................................... Dr.   250
                               To Bills Receivable A/c                                                                 12,000
                          (Being bill discounted with the bank)

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