P. 79

2.3.3  Specimen :
                                                   In the books of ......
                                           Income and Expenditure Account
                                          for the year ended 31  March 20.....
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                       Expenditure             Amt     Amt               Income                Amt     Amt
                                                 `      `                                        `      `
             To Salaries paid                   xxx          By Subscription Received           xxx
             Less : paid for last year          xxx          Less :
             paid for next year                 xxx          i) received for last year          xxx
                                                xxx          ii) received of next year          xxx
             Add Outstanding                    xxx                                             xxx
                                                xxx          Add :
             Add prepaid for last year          xxx    xxx   i)   Received during last year for   xxx
             To Wages                                  xxx      current year                           xxx

             To Printing and Stationery                xxx   ii)   Outstanding for current year  xxx   xxx
             To Rent                                   xxx   By Rent Received                          xxx
             To Interest                               xxx   By Interest Received                      xxx
             To Conveyence                             xxx   By Dividend Received                      xxx
             To Rates & Taxes                          xxx   By Govt. Grants (General)                 xxx
             To Insurances Premium                     xxx   By Ground Rent                            xxx

             To Audit fees                             xxx   By Sundry Receipts                        xxx
             To Office Expenses                        xxx   By Entrance Receipts (Revenue)            xxx
             To Telephone / Mobile Expenses            xxx   By Entrance fee (Revenue)                 xxx
             To Medicines                              xxx   By Admission fees                         xxx
             To Sports Materials                             By Donations (General)                    xxx
             consumed during the year                        By Profit on Sale of Asset                xxx
             Opening Stock                      xxx          By Deficit (Excess of                     xxx
             Add : Purchases                    xxx          expediture over Income)

             Less : Closing Stock               xxx    xxx
             To Repairs and Maintenance                xxx
             To Electricity charges                    xxx
             To News papers and periodical             xxx
             To Sundry Expenses                        xxx
             To Loss on sale of Asset                  xxx

             To Depreciation on Fixed                  xxx
             To  Surplus (Excess of                    xxx
             Income over Expenditure)
                                                      xxxx                                            xxxx

   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84