P. 82

2.3.9 Specimen of Balance Sheet :
                                         Balance Sheet as on 31  March  20......
                         Liabilities              Amt    Amt               Assets              Amt     Amt
                                                    `      `                                     `      `
             Capital Fund                                       Cash in Hand                           xxx
             (Opening Balance)                    xxx           Cash at Bank                           xxx
             Add :                                              Fixed Deposit                          xxx

             i) Donations (Capitalised)           xxx           Investments                            xxx
             ii) Entrances fees (Capitalised)     xxx           Sundry Debtors                         xxx
             iii) Surplus                         xxx           Land and Buildings                     xxx
                                                  xxx           Furniture and Fixtures                 xxx

             Less : Deficit                       xxx     xxx   Plant and Machinery                    xxx
             Building Fund                                xxx   Equipments                             xxx
             Endownment Fund                              xxx   Play Ground                            xxx
             Tournament Fund                              xxx   Motor Vehicles                         xxx
             Special Fund                                 xxx   Library Books                          xxx
             Charity Fund                                 xxx   Stock of Sports Materials              xxx

             Sundry Creditors                             xxx   Stock of Stationery                    xxx
             Bank overdraft                               xxx   Stock of Drugs                         xxx
             Other Loan                                   xxx   Loans and Advances given               xxx
             Outstanding Expenses                         xxx   Accured Interest                       xxx
             Pre Received Income                          xxx   Prepaid Expenses                       xxx

             (Subscription received in advance)           xxx   Outstanding Income                     xxx
             Life Membership Fees                         xxx
                                                         xxxx                                         xxxx

                 Some times instead of adding surplus into Capital Fund, it is accumulated as a credit Balance
            to  Income  and Expenditure Account.  such balance  is shown separate  in  Balance  Sheet.  On the
            Liabilities side making there of may be as under.

                                                                                     Amt  `       Amt `
             Income the Expenditure Account
             Opening credit Balance                                                    xxx
             Add surplus of current year                                               xxx          xxx

            2.3.9 (A) Additional Information :
                 1)    (Refer illustration No. 4)  Outstanding and prepaid Expenses
             1.  Outstanding Expenses - Outstanding expenses are the expenses which are unpaid.

                 Two effects
                 i)    Add outstanding amount in the concerned expenditure on expenditure side of Income &
                       Expenditure Account.
                 ii)  Show outstanding expenses on Liabilities side of Balance Sheet.

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