P. 96

The  commercial  bank does not  keep  The central bank keeps a check on the commercial banks.
             check on the central bank

            4)    Road Transport, rail Transport, Water Transport and Air Transport.

                  Road Transport         Rail Transport       Water Transport              Air Transport
                                                        1. Speed
             Road transport has limited  It has considerable   It is the slowest mode of  It  is the  fastest
             speed due to bad road  speed since it runs       transport                  mode os transport.
             condition, accidients, etc.  on tracks which
                                         rarely gets disturbed
                                                  2. Carrying capacity

             It  has limited  carrying  It has huge carrying  It has away huge carry-    It   has    limited
             capacity                    capacity             ing capacity               carrying capacity
                                                         3. Cost
             It  requires  limited  capital  The cost of con-  It uses waterways which  It uses airways
             investment  in  terms  of  struction of trains,   are natural highway and  which are natural
             construction   of   roads, railway tracks is     hence there is no cost     and hence, there  is
             vehicles     and     there high. Also the main- involved. However there  no cost involved.
             maintenance.                tenance of trains,   is high cost involved for  However huge cost
                                         tracks and stations   construction of ships and  of constructions of
                                         is high.             parts and also mainte-     aircrafts involved.
                                                              nance of ships and parts. These costs are
                                                                                         way high compared
                                                                                         to other modes of
                                                       4. Distance
             Recommended  for short  Recommended for          Suitable for long dis-     Suitable  for long
             distance.                   both short and long  tance specially across     distance.
                                         distance.            countries and couninents.
                                                       5. Charges
             Transport charges are not  Transport charges     Transport charges are      Transport   charge
             fixed due to high due to in- are relatively      low.                       are very high.
             creased fule prices         low and are fixed
                                         according to the
                                                 6. Door to door service
             It provides door to door  It does not provide    It does not provide door   It does not pro-
             services.                   door to door services to door services.         vide  door to door
                                                 7. Means of Transport
             It uses animals, animal  It uses passenger       It uses boats, big ships,   It uses aircraft,
             carts,  motor-cycles,  three  trains and goods   liners, tankers etc.       helicopters,   jets,
             and four wheelers.          train.                                          etc.

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