P. 97

8. Suitability
             It is suitable for  transport- It is suitable for   It is suitable for      It is suitable  for
             ing the goods in relatively  transporting heavy   transporting way heavy    transporting light
             smaller quantities for short  goods in large     goods, machineries in      weight perishable
             distance.                   quantity over long   large quantities to any    and valuable goods
                                         distance.            part of the world.         to any part of the
                                                        9. Safety

             It  provides  limited  safe- Goods are kept      Goods are safe as they     Goods  are safe as
             ty  to goods from  the  sun,  in locked wagons   are specially packed.      they are specially
             rain, wind, etc.            which provide pro-                              packed.
                                         tection against sun,
                                         wind, rain, etc.
                                                      10 Accidents
             Chances of accidents  are  Chances of            Chances of accidents are  Chances of
             more due to poor road  accidents are less        less in waterways.         accidents are
             conditions  and negligent  because of one way                               less because of
             drivers                     track and good                                  maintenance and
                                         signal system.                                  expert pilots.
                                                     11. Ownership
             Ownership is in the hands  Ownership is in       It is owned by both        It is owned by
             of private parties as  well  the hands of the    private sector as well as  both  private  sector
             as the government.          Government.          public sector.             as well as public


            Business Services:
            1. Banking             2. Insurance           3. Transport          4. Warehousing

            5. Communication

            1.    Banking:
            Types of Banks:
            1. Central Bank        2. Commercial Bank    3. Co-operative Bank  4. Development Bank

            5. Exchange Banks      6. Regional Rural Bank 7. Savings Bank       8. Investment Bank

            Functions of commercial banks:
            I. Primary Functions         II. Secondary Functions

            2.    Insurance:
            Principles of Insurance:
                  1.    Principle of Utmost good faith

                  2.    Principle oflnsurable interest

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