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7. Principle of Indemnity
             It is not applicable as a human  It is applicable  as insurance  It is applicable  as insurance
             life cannot be valued in terms  company compensates for the  company compensates for the
             of  money  for  calculating  the  financial  loss and the  insured  financial  loss and the  insured
             actual loss.                    is brought back to the same fi- is brought back to the same fi-
                                             nancial  condition  that he was  nancial  condition  that he was
                                             before the event.               before the event.
                                                  8. Number of policies
             Insured can take any number  Generally only one policy can  Generally, only one policy can
             of policies on the same life.\ be  taken  but  double  insurance  be taken. However, double in-
             Compensation is paid on all hte  is possible. However, compen- surance  is possible.  However,
             policies.                       sation does not exceed the ac- compensation does not exceed
                                             tual loss.                      the actual loss.
                                                     9. Beneficiary
             The beneficiary can be insured  The  beneficiary is the  insured  The  beneficiary is the  insured
             (if he survives the selected term)  who has insured the property or  person or company.
             or else the nomine or the legal  goods.
             heir on the death of the assured.
                                                 10. Surrender of policy
             The policy can be surrendered  It cannot be surrendered.        It cannot be surrendered.
             before  the  expiry of the  term
             subject to certain conditions.
            (2)  Current Account, Saving Account and Fixed Deposit Account.

                    Current Account                 Saving Account               Fixed Deposit Account
                                                       1. Meaning
             It is that account which is  It is that account which is  It is that account where a fixed
             maintained by business man  opened by individuals in order  sum of money is deposited for a
             and  others  who have  regular  to save a part of their income.  fixed period.
             bank transactions.
                                                     2. Withdrawals

             Customers     can    withdraw Customers can withdraw either  Customers cannot withdraw
             money by cheques.               by cheques  or by withdrawal  during the specified period.
                                                      3. Documents
             The bank gives a passbook,  The bank gives a passbook,  The bank gives a fixed deposits
             cheque  book, statement  of ac- cheque book and pay-in-slip  receipt to the customers.
             count  and pay-in-slip  book to  book to the  customers.
             the customers.
                                                     4. Who takes it
             It is suitable  for traders, busi- It  is suitable  for fixed  income  It is suitable for any person
             nessman, firms or institutions.  group, wages or salary earners. wiht temporary idle cash.

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