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     It is not about you and it is not about                                         - Strike the right balance between is about the Customer.  The                                             customer experience and organizational
     Customer Experience matters.                                                    goals
     What is Customer Experience (CX)?                                               - Align people, processes, and
                                                                                     technology initiatives with our business
     - Interaction between an organization and
     a customer over the duration of their                                           strategy and vision
     relationship.                                                                   - Standardize and streamline processes
     - This interaction is made up of 3 parts.                                       - Eliminate pain points and non- value
                                                                                     add activities
        1. The customer journey
        2. The brand touchpoints the customer                                        - Empower every person to be a change
     interacts with (Phone, E- mail, in Person,                                      agent
     Live Chat)                              Why is Customer Experience important?    - Leverage technology to its fullest
        3. The environment the customer      The Customer Experience is the engine
     experiences (including digital          for sustained growth of the business.  But      o Unfortunately, EM C is far behind
     environment)                            creating and keeping customers are not   and our success will be limited.
                                             so simple.
     - A good experience means the customer                                             o One of the activities this year is to
     expectations were met during all the    Bad Customer Experience can decrease    work with the OM CA Digital Customer
     points of contact with the company.     sales or the customer might stop buying   Experience Leader for strategies and
                                             and go to a competitor.  Customers?     investment
     We talk about the Voice of the Customer   sharing bad experience, can quickly
     but how truly focused are we with       damage the brand thru word of mouth             Identify gaps through Customer
     customer satisfaction?  We tend to view   and social media.                     Journey
     thru the lens of the organization and how
     we are more internally focused. We are   Focus on What M atters                         Have major process
     not thinking about what the customer is                                         improvements thru Business Process
     experiencing.  We focus internally on how   This year, OCB- AM ?s activities will   Improvement (BPI) training
     the process is easier for Omron systems   center on the Customer Experience and   Projects and Activities
     and employees.  We need to change our   the Organization?s Objectives.
     mindset and how internal changes impact   Customer Experience -  Emphasis:      - Spring 2019:  Business Process
     the customer down the road.                                                     Improvement Training for M anagers
                                             - Customer Perspective:  Visible Supplier
                                             Scorecard                               - Summer 2019:  Business Process
                                                                                     Improvement, Phase 2
                                             - Customer Journey:  Capture All
                                             Customer Interactions thru Experience   - Summer 2019:  Customer Experience
                                             M apping                                Workshops and Journey M apping for
                                                                                     Design Engineers and Distribution
                                             - Force M ultipliers:  Target specific   Buyers
                                             improvements for the greatest impact.
                                             We need to focus on something   that    - Summer 2019:  Proof of Concept
                                             will make work better in many areas of   (PoC) Presentation to Yukumoto san on
                                             the business.                           Customer Experience
                                             OCB- AM  Objectives:                    Looking forward to providing you
                                                                                     updates on the various activities in the
                                             - M ake it easier for customers to do   next newsletter.
                                             business with us
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