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     From June 17 ?  19, OCB- AM  hosted
     30 attendees from our distributors (24
     attendees, mostly Supplier Account
     M anagers, Product M anagers, or
     similar roles) and M anufacturers
     Representatives (6 attendees including   NBC Sports? Kelly
     roles of VP Sales, Owner, and           Crull interviewed our
                                             own Patrick Lahey
     Distribution Sales M anager) for our    and Joe White on the
     biennial Distribution Summit.  We       rooftop
     also welcomed two guests from S& M
     BU (Nakaichi- san and Baik- san), one
     from EM C Sales HQ (Shimura- san),
     and one from OM Z (Wang- san).
     The purpose of the event is to allow
     our distributor and Rep attendees to
     become more familiar with OCB- AM
     as a company, receive current product   the Chicago Cubs take on the
     and technology training, and engage     Chicago White Sox in the Crosstown
     with the OCB- AM  team.  This event     Classic from  one of the world-
     was organized by the Distribution       famous rooftop decks.
     Sales team and Rochelle Pajak.
                                             The last day, Wednesday, was a
     The first evening, we hosted a          half- day session at HQ, with pre-
     welcome reception at the Saddle         sentations by Technical Support,
     Room. This event allowed our            M arcom, COSE, and a HUB
     attendees to get acquainted with one    overview.  The event concluded with
     another and with the Omron team.        a management Q& A panel featuring
     M agician David Rinalli helped break    Jeff Rogers, Kris Whitehouse, Judy
     the ice and wowed everyone with         Connors, and Ucchi Uchida.  Caro-
     mind- boggling card and prop tricks.    line Wells moderated the session
     Tuesday was a full day at the Omron     which included a host of questions
     Americas HQ office, starting with the   asked by our Summit attendees.
     full group listening to presentations by   The Summit was well received by the
     Executive, Distribution, and            attendees and a worthwhile oppor-
     M arketing management. Then, the        tunity for the Omron team members
     attendees split into small groups and   to engage with our valued partners.
     engaged in six round- robin sessions    A video recap including photos
     to cover both product and technology.    from the Summit is accessible here.
     The sessions were: Relays, Connector
     &  Switch, Component Sensor, Sensor
     Evaluation Board, Automation &
     Safety (for industrial distributors), and
     Creative Lab. After a break, attendees
     and Omron members loaded a bus for
     a trip to downtown Chicago to watch
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