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                                                                                   A recap video from
                                                                                   Sensors Expo

        On June 26- 27, Omron Electronic     Thanks to the dedication of our team,
        Components had a booth at Sensors  consisting of FAEs, marketing
        Expo in San Jose, CA, continuing     members, application development
        long- standing corporate             managers, OCB- AM  executives,
        participation in the show and        West region sales members and
        emphasis on sensor technology. This  visitors from Japan. We had over
        was the show?s 5th year in           320+ visitors to our booth, along
        California, with a heavy audience    with several key customer visits in
        from high tech companies in Silicon   our show meeting room.
        Valley and beyond.
                                             Next year, the show will celebrate its
        M any new Omron sensor products      35th anniversary, taking place yet
        and modules were displayed for       again in San Jose, CA, from June
        various focus industries, such as    9- 11. Omron will be upgrading its
        robotics, automation, and smart      booth to a 20 x 30 space closer to the
        home/ building. Demos included the   event entrance. Please stay tuned for
        sensor evaluation board,             more details after we head into the
        see- through panel technology,       new calendar year!
        updated time of flight sensor, aerial
        switch, environment sensors, human
        sensing module, water level detection
        and breathe detection. Omron
        partnerships were also featured,
        including UPM  Eclipse, Cassia and
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