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On Tuesday June 4th 2019 Omron The tech fair was an excellent
Kyoto H.Q. featured the EM C opportunity to discover EM C
Creative Technology Fair 2019. The technologies and inspire creative
EM C Creative Tech Fair was not a thought by all those who attended.
typical exhibition of new products, The EM C CTF featured over 50
rather it was designed to be a EM C products to inspire ?WOW
technology exhibition for the Ideas!? Of the 400+ attendees, 250+
creation of new customer value by new application ideas were
a crossover of technologies in the submitted. The submissions will be
field of the EM C- focused 8 sorted and discussed for their
industries. The 8 EM C- focused viability in current and future
industries include: automated applications. Thus, the EM C Creative
testing equipment (ATE), Tech Fair was an enormously
automotive components, e- sports, successful event and we look forward
power tools, PV generation system, to discovering the WOW ideas that
respiratory equipment, robotics, were shared.
and smart home & building.
The EM C CTF was designed to
showcase EM C technologies, both
new and old, in order to inspire
creative innovation for a crossover
of current EM C technologies for
new functions, or to inspire ideas
for entirely new applications. At
the EM C CTF, attendees are the